Introspect yourself from tip to toe. 12/12/18

Introspect yourself from tip to toe. 12/12/18

If at all you fall short and fail,
Why lag behind or see trail,
Work hard, Rise above,
Remember, somewhere somehow,
Introspect yourself from tip to toe.

If you lose someone so easy,
Why Passion drags lethargic, lazy
Fight back, right here right now,
Introspect yourself from tip to toe.

If you avoid light and day,
Why welcome dust and decay
Open up, accept, affirm and allow,
Introspect yourself from tip to toe.

If you abscond guts and limp ego,
Why desert self, feel inferior low,
Hit hard, conquest, get it go,
Introspect yourself from tip to toe.

If you let others ride, get self tag,
Why fall down much, matter to nag,
Break out, shoot out and take a bow,
Introspect yourself from tip to toe.

If you fall out, succumb to tear,
Why repent acts, surrender to fear
Arise, arouse, awaken, sharpen hoe
Introspect yourself from tip to toe.

--Sachin Gadekar
